School Health Service 6-20 years

School Health Service 6-20 years

The school health service is available at all primary, lower secondary and upper secondary, and further education schools and may include a school nurse, school doctor, psychologist and physiotherapist, as well as other health professionals.

The school health service is responsible for vaccinations and, in collaboration with the school, offers teaching in classes, groups and individual discussions. All enquiries will be answered and the service is subject to a duty of confidentiality. 

Possible topics for discussion include:

  • Absence
  • School life
  • Learning difficulties
  • Thoughts and feelings
  • Falling in love
  • Body
  • Sadness
  • Arguments
  • Bullying
  • Puberty
  • Self-harm
  • Problems at home
  • Exercise
  • "The perfect body"
  • Smoking and tobacco
  • Drugs and alcohol
  • Sex and contraception
  • Circumcision
  • Injuries at school

It often helps to talk to an adult, but sometimes people need more help. In such cases, the school health service will be able to refer you to a GP, dentist, physiotherapist or psychologist.

The school health service is provided on a drop-in basis at all schools in our municipalites. Availabilty varies. Have a look at bulletins posted at your school or your school website for detalis about when the school health service is available. If you cannot find this information, you are welcome to contact the staff at your school or your municipal Health Centre for details.


Kontakt helsestasjon- og skulehelsetenesta i din kommune:

Hareid kommune Herøy kommune Sande kommune Ulstein kommune Volda kommune Ørsta kommune
     Hareid          Herøy            Sande          Ulstein            Volda            Ørsta